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Bullying has many formal definitions, but typically it is when someone repeatedly uses threats, intimidation or aggression to obtain objects, activities or social gain from others. Bullying prevention focuses on the strategies for reducing bullying behavior by blending explicit instruction and redefining the bullying construct. Teaching students to identify and respond effectively to the bullying and harmful behavior of others needs to match the students’ developmental level. The goal is the same – to reduce bullying behavior – but the process may look different across communities and across elementary, middle and high schools.

What is Bullying Prevention

Alexa Young, 16 years old, CA

“Thank you Bully Talk. Creating a school wide mural to remind our school how much bullying prevention is important."

Morgan James, Principal, CA

"A lot of kids are dealing with bullying and it has not been addressed. Thanks to Bully Talk Inc. coming to our community school has made a major impact."

Jasmine Thompson, 11 years old, CA

"Thank you Bully Talk, the summer program was awesome and the prizes were nice."
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